Introducing… Clean Mama’s Guide to a Peaceful Home!

I am SO excited to announce that my latest book, Clean Mama’s Guide to a Peaceful Home, is coming out on December 29, 2020 AND it’s officially available for pre-order! There has never been a better time for this book and I cannot wait for it to be in your hands and homes.

Clean Mama’s Guide to a Peaceful Home:
effortless systems and joyful rituals for a calm, cozy home

Clean Mama's Guide to a Peaceful Home


After I finished writing Clean Mama’s Guide to a Healthy Home, I kept thinking about those little things that I do all day long that keep our home running smoothly. I started to notice how much more effective and efficient they were when they were paired together as something I enjoyed doing with something I didn’t enjoy doing. The more I noticed, the more I knew I had to share all these systems and rituals with you – that’s how Clean Mama’s Guide to a Peaceful Home started. How did I finish it? The final edits were made during the start of the pandemic. What a crazy time to be really analyzing everything in our home as I put the finishing touches on this book.

I share my game-changing method of freeing up mental and physical space to help us find joy and make our home-keeping routine effortless. By pairing up systems—how we get things done so that they become automatic—with rituals—tasks that bring calm and happiness—we can feel more at peace in our homes.

Follow along as I walk you through each room of my house, sharing the systems and rituals I use and while recommending others for different seasons of life. Featuring decision trees, checklists, and space to reflect and record what’s working and what you’d like to improve, Clean Mama’s Guide to a Peaceful Home makes homekeeping a breeze and allows us to slow down and focus on the things that really matter in our lives.

Pre-order Clean Mama’s Guide to a Peaceful Home now! All the pre-order goodies will be coming later this month – stay tuned!

If you pre-order now, you will still have access to all the bonuses!

* This article was originally published here
